You’re Much Bigger Than My Dreams | Yazi Krishna | Book Review
Love has always been a complicated subject. With that being said, it also holds a different meaning for everyone. Moreover, it turns out to be the focal point of our lives at some point in our lives but at what cost? What it entails to be in love? How the subject of commitment in new-age relationships is defined and implemented?
You’re Much Bigger Than My Dreams by Yazi Krishna is a contemporary love story that brings out the essence of commitment. Its central character Digivijay falls in love with his friend, Syahriah, after years of knowing her. The two hit off gradually and decide to be in a relationship. Digvijay is a good student who is on his way to having a bright future. Meanwhile, he is totally committed to his love affair with Syahriah who also appears to be serious. However, a few years down the lane, the two stumble upon issues that were bound to plague their relationship in the long run.
Love is very much about understanding and sacrifices. Being in love gives a dreamy feeling. However, a relationship needs more than fleeing love to survive. This book attempts to deliver this message. It also makes an effort to portray that the journey to have a fulfilling love relationship is never easy. And, love transcends the barriers if the two participants in the relationship are prepared to fight for it.
The writing is very simple, a bit too close to slang-ish. To talk about the story, it is again breezy and I found nothing unique about it. It more or less revolved around the two characters and their love that seemed to annoy me. I couldn’t appreciate the female protagonist at all nor did I find Digvijay very charming. My problem with this book happened to be the execution of the story. It was immature for my liking. While reading the book, I thought that maybe, the reason behind the title of this book would be different. But to my disappointment, it was cliche and so, the whole book failed to grab my attention with its language that resembles SMS lingo and story that lacked depth.
The book is relatable and might interest the young readers if they’re fine with easy and colloquial language. For the rest, if you want simple books for leisurely reading, you may check it out.