The ‘ONE’ Invisible Code | Sharat Sharma | Book Review
We all dream of success in our lives. We all want to be doing everything perfectly. Heck! We want smooth sailing and live like there’s no worry. However, success never came easy. It takes a lot of grit and determination to get to the top and fulfill one’s vision. More than that, one has to be essentially mentally prepared to face the roadblocks and continue to be on their way to achieve success.
The ONE Invisible Code by Sharat Sharma is a simple story of Joy who sees his life turned upside down. This renders him frustrated and lost about everything in life. However, after this, he comes across his master, who becomes instrumental in Joy’s transformation. The master fills him with words of wisdom that change his perception and possibly, the course of his future.
The ONE invisible Code lays down the pathway to achieving remarkable success. It asks one to believe in one’s potential and then adopt an achiever’s mindset to fulfill their dreams. The book promises to help you break free of self-doubts, mediocrity and achieve excellence. It works on one fundamental principle — apply the simple tips to refine yourself and be who you’re meant to be.
I firmly believe in looking inward to find the answers. Lately, I am doing this more often to learn about myself and then improve my life. I also see asking the right questions and paying attention to extensive brainstorming as important to arrive at fruitful conclusions. Some books might help us in directing towards asking the right questions. They aid in looking inside of us and search for the answers. Through Joy and his master’s conversation, I have had the opportunity to involve in the process of introspection. Not to mention, this helped me in strengthening my faith in never giving up on my dreams.
The book is written in lucid language and makes use of a compelling narrative to deliver the key self-help ideas. Along with an interesting storyline, a reader would enjoy this because of illustrations and summarized thoughts (in bullet format). I would appreciate the author for talking about the orbit of mediocrity and of mastery as they provided me valuable insights.
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