Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress | Vicky Nolan | Book Review
I haven’t read many memoirs but still, reading one always makes me happy. A memoir is a passport to step into someone else’s shoes and live through the thick and thin of their life. Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress is a light-hearted yet beautiful memoir of Vicky Nolan. Through her debut work, Vicky takes us on a ride of what goes into making an artist and that not all that glitters is gold!
Scrapbook of an Unfound Songstress essentially chronicles Vicky Nolan’s journey in the glamorous music industry. It describes how as a teenager, Vicky works hard to create an identity for herself, how she navigates her way through parts and parcels of life, and how she eventually comes to the closure of beginning to find herself. What makes the book stand out is its candor and honesty.
I particularly loved the writing of Vicky, considering that it’s her debut book. It comes off as comprehensible and engaging. The author narrates her stepping into the music industry and everything shady that goes behind the glamour through this book. Vicky’s narration brings alive everything that happened in her life. It was as though everything was playing right in front of our eyes. That’s the power of an excellent narration and storytelling.
In between the story, you’d come across Nolan’s lyrics, which is an added attraction. Furthermore, the book speaks for dreamers who never give up on learning and unlearning. It also speaks for people with strong ethics and values, who’d fight till the end for the right. The book applauds the fighter spirit of Vicky, and that’s nothing short of amazing. Although I found a few instances vague in the story or maybe not exactly better explained, overall, this book turns out to be a good read.
Recommended to the beginners to moderate level readers. In fact, if you’re just starting out with memoirs, you can very well pick this one up. A story of grit and strength gives us hope, isn’t it?