Letting go of things is your way to achieving impeccable growth in life. Be it letting go of people, your experiences including your success and failure, material possessions; each of these things would cut that string to your despondence leading you towards the light.

Learning to Let Go and Grow by Lisa Flannigan is a collection of 100 positive messages that intend to teach you the true meaning of self-help. Through these nuggets of motivation, the author wants to introduce us to the concept of self-care and gives us ideas for doing the same.

The simplistic writing but a powerful message behind each piece was both refreshing and motivating. If you are feeling low, read it. Even if you’re not feeling sad. read it. It is a book that must be read — one idea or maybe a few at a time. They will fill you with so much strength that you’d realize how taking charge of one’s life can lead it to a fulfilling one.

Some of my favorite lines from this book are given below:

  1. Give time to yourself. Take a break. You need it, you deserve it.
  2. Protect your positive energy.
  3. Putting yourself out there is a daunting task. Knowing when to do and when to draw a line is an art. We ought to master it.
  4. Feeling disconnected is a part of one’s growth.
  5. Accept where you are and remember to breathe. Take time out to clear your head.
  6. Creating a peaceful haven inside helps you navigate unsettling situations.
  7. When the hills in your life seem too steep to climb, stop & survey your landscape.



Khyati Gautam
Khyati Gautam

Written by Khyati Gautam

Reader | Reviewer | Content Writer

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