Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind by Alex Neumann is powerful self-help read that asks you to shake it off and step up! It is the new-age guide that makes one wonder at the potential of one’s mind and harness it for the better good. This book is something that would stay with me for quite some time now, and I would go back to my highlights to recall whatever I took away from this!

Divided into several chapters, this book has a fresh perspective to offer a powerful voice. Of late, I’ve been attracted to reading for growth. Having said that, this book came to me at the right time to direct me on the right path. A book that delves into multiple aspects concerning one’s life and gives practical advice to deal with challenges. It is a book that puts forth the right thing bluntly.

The author has brought in the concept of the capitalist market. This market makes us believe in consumerism, in the hustle-culture, and everything else that does rob our mental peace. Often we find ourselves drained because we’re doing things just for the sake of it, without adding any tangible value to the quality of our lives.

This book picks examples from history and fictional accounts to emphasize its point on adversity, happiness, disentanglement, thriving, passion, etc. I specifically loved the part where the author talked about intentionally pushing humans towards making humans. I suddenly remembered watching The Social Dilemma. Not to mention, that documentary has left me disturbed, and reading similar things in this book strengthened my opinion. The capitalist market is ruining our natural self for profits.

I absolutely loved the writing of this book because of its emphatic narration and realistic narrative. I didn’t find it forceful or preachy but definitely, hard-hitting. The author’s writing does give a personal touch to the book as he admits his shortcomings and shares that he learned all of these things through his experiences. Proves authenticity.

If you want to read something strong, engaging, and totally relatable, go ahead and pick this one up. It is worth a read and probably, many more.

My Favorite Quotes from the Book:

  • Adversity is what brings out the finest within us.
  • The strongest individuals are those who endured periods of adversity.
  • To understand, to fathom, and to appreciate adversity, listen to other people’s stories.
  • “I cried because I did not have shoes, only to bump into someone who had no legs.“
  • Pursue with a zeal what makes you happy. Pursue with passion what makes your world go round. Yes, pursue with a gravitas that “apple” of your life. Cultivate an inquisitive mind. Do not take everything for granted. Whatever happens, dare to ask “WHY?” Only then will you be capable of learning. Do not fear adversity. Embrace it and learn from it.
  • When a load of criticism, insults, mockery, and other cruel verbatim are being dumped on you, simply shake it off and step up! Do not let the load bury you in bitterness, disappointment, and crushing surrender. Instead, shake it off and step up!
  • Adversity trims your rough edges, such as arrogance and jealousy. It smooths you out. And, in the end, it attracts admiration toward you.
  • What is important is to learn what market success is — just an illusion.
  • It is a grand mistake that we have turned humans into objects of mass production for the sake of convenience, standardization, and exploitation.
  • Wealth is in the mindset that you have created.
  • Thus, to be capable of critical interrogation, one has to unwind the mind from attachment to held beliefs and attachment to held knowledge.
  • You are the world‚ and without you, it cannot exist! Your decision, no matter how small it is, for so long as it is for the greater good, will contribute to a world-changing transformation.
  • You must own your pain. To own your pain is to accept that what happened is irreversible and had its consequences, which you are experiencing right now. You have to detach yourself from this sensitivity and experience pain for what it is — a crying call for healing. Focus on healing. The pain must not degenerate into self-pity, anger, remorse, and bitterness.
  • Don’t anticipate failure simply because others have failed. Do it differently, and you could find success where they couldn’t.
  • Be passionate in your thoughts, words, and deeds. You owe no one an apology for the expression of your passion. Don’t withhold your words and deeds for the sake of limiting yourself to the imposed habits of “success” and “happiness.”
  • When this life is over, let the meaning of our lives be found not on a list of accomplishments, but in the hearts and souls of the people with whom we shared our fragile existence.



Khyati Gautam
Khyati Gautam

Written by Khyati Gautam

Reader | Reviewer | Content Writer

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